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Judy is a store manager who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Her doctor advised her to make adjustments to her eating habits and lose some weight. She knew she needed some help, so she came across Klinio and gave it a try. After some time, she saw significant changes in her lifestyle. Judy dropped one size down and fell in love with delicious diabetes-friendly meals, which to this day, she continues to make for her and her family.

I finally see how much nutrition really means. I don’t feel bloated anymore, I’m full of energy, and my mood is great. I know it’s unrealistic to expect any results that fast, but I do feel leaner and lighter already.

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2024 © All rights reserved. Disclaimer: Klinio meal plan is not always suitable for individuals with medical conditions. Please consult your doctor before starting the meal plan or making any other dietary and lifestyle changes.